Once upon a time, in the vibrant tapestry of life, there was a man named William Tarr, whose journey began in the heart of Liberia. As the sun cast its golden glow upon the lush landscapes of his homeland, little did William know that his path would wind its way through the diverse corners of the world.

Can we get to know you and where you are from? My name is William Tarr. I am originally from Liberia. But I have lived and studied in Ghana for nine years. I also lived in Germany and the Philippines for a year respectively.

How did you get into the real estate business? I used to work at the Saint John Newcomers Centre and my role was to help settle newcomers who moved to Canada under the Atlantic Immigration Program. I noticed that when I met families for orientation, they were more interested in housing. They always had a lot of questions about real estate. So, I thought it was a good opportunity for me to get into real estate so that I can be able to help newcomers.

Can you tell us about your experience in the real estate industry? I got my real estate license in June 2018, and it was a wonderful experience. Like any business, I started small and have been growing my business every year. Over 90% of my clients are newcomers, especially Africans.

How long have you been a realtor and what areas do you specialize in? Since June 2018. I have specialized in selling residential properties.
What sets you apart from other Realtors in the market? I connect very well with my clients in an honest way. My primary goal in working with clients is to help them get a home that they will be happy with. My services go beyond the closing of deals.

How do you stay up to date with the latest trends and changes in the real estate market? I pay a lot of attention to the real estate market not just in the Greater Saint John area, but throughout New Brunswick. I start my morning by looking at real estate data especially houses sold the previous day and read new real estate news to keep up to date on the market trend.

Can you share any success stories or memorable experiences from your career as a realtor? For the past three years, I have won the Royal Lepage President Award for my achievement in sales.

In your opinion, what are the most important qualities a home buyer should look for in a realtor? A home buyer should look for an honest realtor with knowledge of the market. They do not want a realtor who is a salesperson and is only interested in getting the sales.

What advice do you have for first-time home buyers or sellers? The current market is abnormal. Homes are selling mostly above the asking price. Take your time to find a realtor that you can trust. If you are buying a residential home, look at the bigger picture and potential of the property especially when selling in the future. For sellers, the questions you should answer is where do you when you sell?

What strategies do you employ to ensure the smoothest possible transaction process for your clients? Good communication is the key. It helps keep the client informed and ready for the various stages of the process.

What role do you see technology playing in the future of real estate? Technology will continue to make the process easier for all stakeholders. Realtors are now using ChatGPT to create marking content. Buyers now have access to all the real estate data on their smart phones.

How do you market and promote properties to attract potential buyers? Social media is my primary marketing tool.

Can you provide insight into the current state of the local real estate market? The current real estate market is characterized by high prices, high interest rates, and multiple offers that lead to a “bidding war” with houses mostly selling above the listed price. Houses are staying only market for a very should period. We also have a very low inventory. I think the problem in our market is that demand is higher than supply.

How do you handle negotiations with buyers and sellers? I am a very relaxed and calm person by nature. So, I like to take my time to negotiate prioritizing my client’s best interest. I put all the pros and cons of the deal before my clients and guide them in making a good decision.

Are there any challenges unique to this particular geographical area that you often encounter? Low inventory in our market is a big challenge now. I have a lot of clients that are looking to buy and we can find them a suitable house.

How do you build and maintain strong relationships with your clients?
I am blessed with the best clients. Sometimes I find it difficult to draw the line between friendship and business. I develop good relationships with my clients that even after the deal it close, we continue to be friends.

Are there any specific areas of growth or investment opportunities that you see in the real estate market? I think there are a lot of investment opportunities and building new houses to sell.

What are the most common misconceptions people have about working with a realtor? That Realtors have money.

Can you explain the process of working with investors, if applicable? The process of working with investors and buyers is pretty much the same. I spent extra time with investor running the numbers to make sure that their potential investment makes economic sense.

How do you handle difficult clients or challenging situations during the buying or selling process? Buying or selling your home by nature is a stressful process. I listen to the clients’ concerns and try to address them professionally.

How important do you think staging a property is in today’s market, and what resources do you provide to assist clients in this area? We are in a very not seller’s market so professional staging doesn’t really bring a lot of value to the transaction. However, it is very important for the seller to set their house up in a way for it to have the “wow factor”. I notice well-decorated houses tend to sell for more.

What is your long-term vision for your real estate career, and how do you plan to achieve it? My long-term vision is for illiam Tarr Real Estate to become a real estate developer.

How do you relax? I listen to worship music and inspirational messages on YouTube

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