How you can support Ukraine: List of credible charities

Canada and its large immigrant population have many reasons to care about Ukraine. There are almost 1.4 million persons of Ukrainian origin in Canada.

The Russia – Ukraine crisis is now a full-blown war. In a war, charities have a limited role to be effective. A war is different from a natural disaster like an earthquake. An earthquake happens and is over. In an ongoing war, this is not the case. Ukraine’s needs are also different.

We have put together a small list of verified charities you can donate to and ensure the much needed help gets to Ukraine.

List of charities for Ukraine

HOPE worldwide Canada

The Global Disaster Response team is coordinating relief efforts with its partners out of Chisinau, Moldova. HOPE worldwide Canada Country Director Greg Taylor said, “working with our sister ICOC churches in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, we are providing immediate and long – term relief and recovery support. Proceeds will also support a refugee reception centre in Moldova and housing for Ukrainian refugees.

Canada-Ukraine Foundation

This charity is raising donations to buy food and blankets inside Kyiv to distribute. Since it’s impossible to send containers and shipments into Ukraine, they said donations made will be distributed in 7 days.

Canada-Ukraine Foundation appeal.

Canadian Red Cross

The Red Cross supports prisoners of war, ensuring international codes of conduct, providing letters and food parcels.

Canada Helps

You can choose from one of the many charities providing urgent aid in Ukraine: Canada Helps Ukraine Emergency Relief Efforts

Donating tips:

  • Use secure websites to make credit card transactions, such as CanadaHelps and the others listed above.
  • Beware of fundraising scams, or “war profiteering”, from the Ukraine war.
  • Make a larger one-time donation to get aid there faster, rather than smaller monthly donations.
  • Cash not stuff. On social media people are posting shopping lists to buy supplies to take to Ukraine. Logistics are challenging in Ukraine. Most of these supplies might not get there.

What else can you do?

Taras Kulish, International Relations Volunteer – Helping Hand for Ukraine, suggested three things you can do:

  • Please pray for the safety of the people of Ukraine.
  • Support those you know who are from Ukraine or have relatives and friends there.
  • Financially support reputable humanitarian organizations that are working for Ukraine.
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